i just realized that i haven't posted in over a week, which hasn't happened in MONTHS. but seriously, this week has been totally insanely busy on both the work and home fronts. here's the list summarizing the crazy: - totally brutal work week and i'm pretty sure i'm up for some disciplinary action for sticking my nose where it doesn't belong
(even though the work gets dumped on my desk in the end anyways), doctor's appointment because the mini sliced open her leg on some scrap metal that the contractors left in the backyard, being displaced because we had contractors working on our house, when they opened up our house the foundation was full of bugs all living together in some psycho harmony, and then helping L recover from a brief and misguided reunion with mr. robot.
(she's okay - but i think that we realized that he is just never going to change and we have to move him out of our lives but more on that later)
i do have to say though, the stress actually worked in my creative favor a little bit - i had been working on orders in the moments in between all of these things and created a new stack of rings. I also find that when the husband is away (boys weekend - YAY!) it gives me time to think about new designs (and not worry about bothering him as i smash away) as well as spend some lovely quality time with the mini. Pictured above, this four ring stack combines a reclaimed pebble ring, a twisted ring, a beaded ring and an infinity band. delicate and rustic, i just love it. another alternative to a conventional wedding set, maybe?