i heart my blog... and the teething!
>> Sunday, November 15, 2009
the wonderful muddyboots has taken pity on my poor lil blog and given us a redesign! i think that it makes things a little easier to navigate - and who doesn't love a new look? so thank you, muddyboots - we LOVE you! any feedback would also be great as i tweak things as i go - so let me know what you think!
speaking of new, the mini has a new tooth! i was despairing over the past couple of weeks over her new non-sleeping schedule but then we realized that it looked like her two bottom teeth were coming in. i went to the pharmacy and got some barfy tasting orajel - and she slept like the mini i remembered! last night, i noticed that one tiny little tooth had broken the skin... sigh! my baby's growing up. hopefully soon she'll be a little less fussy as she gets used to the sensation of teething... i have some new designs in my head that need to come out!
(it also looks like she's going to be the next crocodile hunter. tres cool!)