the incredible 2011 diary project

>> Friday, July 30, 2010

it's funny how addicted to twitter i've gotten. not that i really think that anyone reads my tweets (but feel free to tweet me @muffintop5) but i have found the most amazing things via twitter. take this, for example - the fabulous onetruetree had tweeted about the fact that Lucy B's 2011 diary project still had spaces available. of course i was curious and clicked on the link... and found the neatest way for artists to promote!

lucy's "diary" is in it's 4th year and for each day of the year, an artist/crafter/musician/poet/artsy type person decorates a page. you can check out the details here - Diary 2011. of course i had to see if i could be a part of it. i emailed lucy - and she was able to squeeze me in! so, i tried my best to whip up a page (the deadline is tomorrow, so i was kind of limited in what i could do but i think it looks okay) for her. i'm friday, june 17th, 2011!!!

not only is it cool to be able to promote myself in such a unique way, but to share in this artistic venture with other artisans is really fabulous. this is so different and creative compared to a run of the mill advertisment on craigslist - this is definitely going to be my daybook for next year! thanks, lucy, for all the work and heart that you've put into this! i can't wait to see the finished product!!!!!!!!


running. day 3. i'm not dead yet.

so today was Run Day 3. and seriously, i can't believe that i've made it this far. i thought i'd be dead, or at least finding reasons NOT to run. today was pretty good - i ran almost a full kilometer before slowing to a walk! and the mini still loves being in the stroller while we tour the neighbourhood... i actually think that being outside with her is my biggest motivator. i really hope that one day, she and i will run together! and note to self - stretching and warming up really DOES help keep you from injuring yourself!
after the run, we went to the grocery store and the park and i drove our little route to map the distance - it's about 3 kms in total. i'm aiming to run at least 2.5 kms of that within the next couple of weeks. (or maybe a month.) if i don't croak before then!


stamping my feet...

>> Monday, July 26, 2010

... well, not really. i've been experimenting with some fantastic stamps that i purchased from my friend romazone on etsy - thank you, roma! i had tried stamping about a year and a half ago but quickly stopped when i couldn't "get" it. yes, stamping SEEMS simple, but it is really hard to get all the letters lined up and imprinted perfectly. needless to say, after having to scrap a bunch of copper and sterling blanks and smashing my thumb about three times, i gave up.

fast forward to now - i decided i was going to expand my creative horizons and try my hand at stamping again. and i didn't do too badly - check out the picture! not bad for a former stamping failure! and NO injuries! (yet.)


running & the art of jogging stroller maintenance

>> Sunday, July 25, 2010

today was my first official stroller run. i haven't run RUN since probably about 20 months ago. i think about it at least several times a day, but there were always excuses - there's too much traffic, the baby won't let me go, the treadmills at the gym are broken, my boobs hurt. (well, they really DID hurt! YOU try breastfeeding!)

but like i posted before, today was going to be D-day. i put on my old black nike running shorts and yesterday's hot pink tank top, loaded the mini into the stroller with a toy, and tied up my purple and orange running shoes. i pumped up the tires of the stroller and made sure the handle was at a good height.

we stepped outside and it couldn't have been more of a perfect morning. slightly overcast, warm, with a cool breeze. and off we went. i kind of adapted the "couch to 5K" program since i can't find my watch (it's in a box somewhere, i swear) plus keeping an eye on the time is kind of hard while you're pushing a kid in a stroller. i started with about 5 minutes of brisk walking then ran for about 1-2 minutes. then we'd slow down and i'd walk again, then run for about 1-2 minutes. i did notice that if i went too quickly, the front wheel of the stroller (we have a Valco) would wobble (not that the mini cared - she just loved it that we were going FAST) - which was solved by putting it in "locked" mode instead of "swivel".

it felt GREAT. not only because i wasn't in as bad shape as i thought i was, but because running with my daughter was really, really nice. she was like my own personal cheering section, making happy noises, barking at dogs, pointing at trees. we even had two bunnies run alongside us for about 30 seconds - and you don't see THAT in the city! before i knew it, 30 minutes had passed, we were done and i definitely was feeling that old runner's high. as i sit here, 12 hours later, with my muscles still feeling slightly sore, i am so glad that i did it. hopefully, it will become part of our routine - at least till the snow comes!!!!!!

now i just gotta get myself some decent running gear...


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