pretty little liar.
>> Wednesday, November 9, 2011
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they say that once a child reaches the age of about 4 or 5, he or she realizes that people really don't know what's going on in his/her head and lying starts to become a regular appearance. (i beg to differ about the age estimate, it seems that the mini is either way beyond her years, has a wicked imagination, or is starting to tell me "stories" that are not true. sigh.) this week, however, L found out that mr. robot - despite his attempt to get her recently changed phone number and email address out of me on monday - had been seeing other people the whole 4 years that she thought that they were together. the most recent 'girlfriend' was very much in the picture when they briefly reconciled in the late summer, and allegedly, he is moving in with her. to be honest, i don't know how i will ever be able to speak to him again. i guess sometimes you really can never know someone. especially one who lies with such glibness and little remorse. psychopath, much? while part of me hurts for L, part of me is very happy because he is now exposed for who he is. and we are better off without him in our lives. oh L, i so wish that you could find someone who is worth your attentions. (that being said, apparently A is coming down over the xmas holidays to come and stay in our basement. *wink*)
Lol, how cruel is that timing? I'm in Georgia over xmas :) At least get a pic of A and we'll go from there. At this point, I'm ready to move to Montreal to be with him, I need to be as far away from Mr. Robot as possible. Thank you for protecting me and loving me. xoxoxoxoxoxoxo...L
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