so right now i am feeling stupid and shallow (insert the futureheads' song of the same name here and watch the video below - thanks, m) . i have been reading 'a game of thrones' over the past week and a half. it's everything that i like - one of those sweeping epics with finely drawn characters, intrigue, violence and a little bit of romance - but i somehow got totally derailed and drawn in by emily giffin's 'something borrowed', definitely a light piece of literary fluff but yet so darn captivating. like i think i read it in just a couple of hours, that's how sucked in i got. yes, i love girly books, especially ones where the geeky girl gets the guy. i honestly feel guilty because george r.r. martin's series has been dubbed the new lord of the rings, and so many people i know have read it and loved it. i kind of felt like i was betraying myself by getting distracted by the romantic comedy - and yes, i will probably watch the movie version too. oh well. i'm guiltily heading back to mr. martin and his tales of knights and snow. i promise, no more detours.
Well, I'm just stupid then cause I haven't read either of them :) Happy reading! Love L xoxo
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