crafty goodness. and a good cause!

>> Wednesday, April 8, 2015

one of my 'creative' goals this year was to participate in one craft show/vendor event this year (babies sure take up a lot of time so i am starting small) and it looks like it is going to happen (else i lose my booth fee!) so i have been working on some new things and bringing back some old designs in order to fill up the space that i've been assigned.  some previews...

double duty for the bulletin board that usually hangs above my desk at the office

new pink (yes, PINK!) whisper-thin hoops... i am test-driving them as we speak to see how they hold up.  but they sure look pretty.
so i will be at the "Women/Men That ROCK!" event in Newmarket, ON, helping to raise money for "Look Good Feel Better", an organization that helps people with cancer get through treatment and beyond.  the details are HERE - tickets are only $10 and is all ages!  i am donating a portion of the proceeds to this cause too - because it's amazing. 

Rizzoli & Isles... and The Lovely Smith! (not to mention another Nerdy sighting)

>> Saturday, March 21, 2015

so last week was pretty momentous for my little bitty jewelry line.... my earrings showed up on the gorgeous Carla Houston on one of my favorite shows, TNT's Rizzoli & Isles on this season's episode 16!  it was so amazing to see them live in action and know that she loved them too.  thanks as always to The Artisan Group for the opportunity!  you can get a pair of your very own HERE.

the girls and i were also amazed to see Rosanna Pansino wearing her fingertip knot ring on her Nerdy Nummies "PI Day Pie" YouTube episode - and no one wears it like she does!  you can get one from me HERE!

it's always so gratifying to see people wearing my designs and makes it all worthwhile.  next up - i think i will be doing my first craft show in FOREVER, so stay tuned!

geeking out... over nerdy nummies & Rosanna Pansino!

>> Saturday, March 7, 2015

so my blogging has taken a backseat to practically everything else in my life.  this, in particular, can be attributed to my family taking over every computer in the house to watch YouTube.  sigh.  i am hoping that my new LG Android phone will help solve that problem.  (it definitely has helped with my new Instagram addiction.  thank you, Android!  let's hope i can figure out the blogger app!)

my almost-6-year-old daughter loves Rosanna Pansino, the awesomely geeky baker girl from Nerdy Nummies, and we love watching her.  so, she gets it into her head that we need to send her some jewelry.  we pick a ring (as seen above), and off it goes into the mailbox to Nerdy Nummies heaven.

today, i am scrolling through Instagram and...

YIPPEE!!!!!  needless to say, we are BEYOND thrilled.  and of course, it looks perfect on her!  thanks, Rosanna - for supporting us indie handmade artists!!!!

want one for your very own?  check it out HERE - you can pick from sterling silver, rose gold filled, or Rosanna's 14K gold filled version!

the art of neglect... and a pre-holiday sale!

>> Saturday, November 8, 2014

so i've been quite neglectful of this blog and i'm sort of embarrassed.  i look back at past posts and like seeing where i've been and what was inspiring.  so now, i am posting again - admittedly, because i'd like to show off some of the things i've been working on in the rare spare moments i've had between the family, The Walking Dead, and the day job. 

gifted to the stylist of "BONES" - not sure if they'll use it, but i sure love mine!

fingers crossed - these babies were chosen for an unnamed TNT network show - i'll let you know when the episode airs!

the latest incarnation of my fidget rings - 'jewelry for anxious people' as dubbed by my friend Anne-Marie from 'do not faint'
i've been working on expanding my "fidget" jewelry.  i've had some amazingly positive feedback from customers who have said that their fidget rings from my shop have worked better than any therapy or medication to help them with their symptoms.  seriously - it makes everything - EVERYTHING - worth it and fuels me all the more to keep making them.

and of course, in celebration of the holidays, from today until December 1st, 2014, everything in my shop is 15% off with the coupon code "NOVEMBER15"!  it's not to early to start your holiday shopping!!!!!

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